On Sunday, August 5, the descendants of Albert and Emily Snavely held their 78th reunion at Morrison's Cove Memorial Park in Martinsburg, PA. A good time was had by all! We had a lot of wonderful food and fellowship, and a lively auction that raised about $400 for the family fund. Best of all, kid's games were back. (Thanks, Carol!) Everybody voted to do it again next year, so put that first Sunday in August (August 3, 2008) on your calendars.
I will be posting the minutes of the family meeting shortly (by that, I mean when Betty Davic gets them to me). In the meantime, please click on this link to view a slide show of the pictures I took at the reunion, including this shot of Aunt Izzie Stiffler and Aunt Frances Woomer. More pictures will be added if folks email them to me at rtemplon@hotmail.com.
For next year, Uncle George and I are working on the details of an automobile tour to see places of family genealogical and historical interest, like the original Snavely family homestead in the southern part of Morrison's Cove, and some of our ancestral burial sites. We figure that it will take about 3 hours, and the current plan is to do it in the afternoon, once the family meeting and auction are concluded. At the end of the tour, we will depart for our homes. Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear our family history narrated by our President and oldest relative at the places where it occurred! Those interested should contact me soon for more details, and to provide planning input. Over the next few months I will post more tour information, including map links, on this site.
I am also looking for short biographies of Albert and Emily Snavely and each of their children. It would be appropriate for someone descended from each sister to provide their bios. I will volunteer to produce the one for my grandmother Eleanor. Perhaps Carol and George could assist Uncle George in getting down some thoughts of his mom and dad, although I'm sure that George's sisters will also want to have their say! All contributions will be gratefully accepted and posted on this blog.
A word about our family song, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." Please click here for a site that will provide the words and music for this great hymn (come on folks, we all need to practice!). Appropriately, its music was written by a Swiss pastor, Hans Nageli.