Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Secretary Betty Davic's Reunion Minutes

The 80th Snavely Reunion
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Morrison’s Cove Memorial Park
Martinsburg, PA
Attendance: 60

President George Snavely called the gathering to lunch at 12:30 p.m. in the banquet hall and Rod Templon led the invocation. Games for the children were held after lunch.

Business Meeting

President George Snavely called the business meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.

Betty Davic, Secretary, read a summary of the 2008 minutes with addition from Sonia Baus-Fromage. Minutes were previously distributed by email and posted to the Snavely Blog maintained by Rod Templon.

Carol Snavely Zangrilli, Treasurer, reported income of $346 from last year’s auction for beginning total of $950. To be deducted are expenses of $175 for hall rental, $52 for gifts and $25 for games leaving a total of $772 in the treasury plus what is raised in the auction today. Note: auction income was $302, ending balance 2009 of $1000.

George Snavely presented the Recognitions:
Most Senior Woman: “Kitty” Catherine Chesney, 86
Most Senior Man: George Snavely, 96
Youngest Child: Nicholas James Brown, 15 months old
Born April 9, 2008 to Lana Lolos Brown, husband James, and big sister Angelina.
Largest Family: Joyce Anderson and Donna Higginbotham families had 15 in attendance.
Traveled Longest Distance: Donna and Troy Higginbotham, Palmetto, Florida. Sonia Munchak and daughter Krista attended from
Sebastian, Florida but left early for return flight.
Candy Jar Guess: Winner is Shirley Lytle with guess of 44.
Actual count is 41.

Announcements/Good of the Order:

· Frances Woomer introduced cousin “Kitty” Catherine Chesney attending with daughter Kathryn Edith Chesney Hawn and son-in-law William Hawn of Peterburg, PA.
· Babe Stacey is now a great-great-grandmother. Bob and Ginny’s son Justin is father of newborn Wyatt Matthew Packer.
· Today is Dick Stacey’s 61st birthday.
· Rodney Templon announced son Andrew graduated from high school this year and will be attending Catholic University in Washington, D.C. Oldest son John earned M.S. in Journalism this year at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.
· Shirley Lytle announced grandson Patrick graduated from high school this year and Tracy Lytle, daughter of Al and Diane, graduated cum laude from James Madison University in Harrisonburg Virginia.
· Tracy Lytle has accepted a fully paid 2 year assistantship and stipend to pursue a Master’s degree in Physical Fitness and Nutrition, JMU.
· Leroy Demaree announced that grandson Derrick (Donald’s son) graduated from West Virginia University and is interviewing for position in secret service.
· Dick Stacey announced granddaughter Amber……(help here please!)
· Bob and Ginny’s grandson Justin Packer (father of Wyatt) graduated from Central Mountain H.S.
· Stacey’s announced birth of Krista’s grandson Trey Dressler.
· Dick announced there were 105 of Babe and Joe Stacey’s children & family members attending the Stacey Family Reunion at Bald Eagle State Park this year.
· Burnace Tharp announced she has been free of breast cancer 12 years now and encouraged everyone, male and female, to have a check-up and mammogram.
· Bonnie advises Aunt Izzy enjoys receiving cards:
Isabelle L. Stiffler D-365
Saint Mary’s Home of Erie – East
607 E. 26th St
Erie PA 16504


The meeting closed with the singing of BLESSED BE THE TIE THAT BINDS and was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Kidston Davic, Secretary
Granddaughter of Edith Snavely Thomas